I wanted to share 7 general behavior strategies that are super helpful in my speech room. You are probably a rock star therapist and already implementing these on a daily basis BUT a good review never hurt anyone.
Tip #1 – Use a visual schedule.
Why you ask? It decreases anxiety about the unexpected. It shows what is expected of them. It shows when a preferred activity will occur.
Tip #2 – Give choices.
Why? If you choose two activities that will work towards the objective and let them chose, it gives them a sense of power. Share the power.
Tip #3 – Provide Assistance.
Why? Establish yourself as someone the student feels safe with and WANTS to be around.
Tip #4 – Take breaks.
Why? Multiple breaks are better than pushing until they break and not being able to return to the session.
Tip #5 – Slowly increase demands.
Why? If you don’t pair with your student and establish that rapport, they will not want to work for you.
Tip #6 – Use visuals.
Why? Because providing the quickest most effective response form allows our students to be more successful. Visuals can be symbols for “outs” like ‘break’ or assistance like ‘help’. You can also use visual timers so they students knows how long he/she as to work.
Tip #7 – Gain their trust.
Why? Build rapport. Have a couple sessions where you do not place any demands on them. It will pay off in the long run!
I hope these tips are helpful for you in your speech sessions this week!