School based SLPs have unique challenges that set our jobs apart from working in other settings. The majority of us have high caseloads, demanding workloads, and not to mention we have to keep up with our continuing education credits, licenses, certifications, new research, and evidence-based practices. It can be overwhelming and exhausting to try to keep everything straight. Luckily, there are some amazing people out there who have focused on making our lives easier and let me tell you, I couldn’t be more thankful for them.
#1 – The first must have for school-based SLPs is called SLP Toolkit. This is a web-based service that I gladly pay a monthly membership of $19. It has SO many features but I mainly use it for their progress monitoring assessments, present level assessments, developing goals, and make awesome recommendations for accommodations. This program helps me feel more confident when I write present levels of performance, goals, and accommodations on annual IEPs. It also makes progress reports a BREEZE. It takes no time to administer a progress monitoring assessment and compare it to last quarter. I love printing out the graph to send home to parents. It provides a great visual for them to see how their student is making progress. I love, love, LOVE, this program.
You can try it free for up to 5 students to see if you like it! Check it out HERE.
#2 – My next therapy love is called SLP Now. Holy moly. It’s hard to put into words what Marisha has created with this program. This has truly been my lifeline this school year. I spend about 10-15 minutes (no joke!) every Friday afternoon prepping for the entire next week of therapy. SLP Now provides evidence-based materials for every. single. student. on my caseload. There are literacy packs, skills packs, assessments, and crafts, just to name a few. Most of the time, I just print and use immediately. Lately, I have been trying to save paper so I just pull up the lessons on my iPad…super easy and quick!
Check it out HERE.
#3 – Last but not least…Teachers Pay Teachers is my third school-based SLP hack. It is not only for teachers. I absolutely love logging on, searching for a keyword, and finding quality materials that are exactly what I need. SLPs on this site have similar caseloads as you, therefore, their materials are relevant, appropriate, and beautifully designed. Did I mention they are also a bargain? Prices don’t even compare to bigger companies that sell speech and language resources. There are also a TON of free resources on this site that are amazing and fun for all students.
TpT is free to sign up. Check it out HERE.
These three hacks alone have saved my sanity as a school-based SLP. I honestly do not know how I would feel about my workload if I didn’t have these resources at my fingertips. What are some things you use in your day-to-day therapy that make your life easier? I would love to hear in the comments below!