⭐️ Do your students need to work on listening comprehension from the most very basic level?
⭐️ Listening comprehension can be SO hard for some of our students. By starting at the picture level, we can work our way up to short sentences and even paragraph comprehension!
This resource is a comprehensive product to elicit who, what, when, where questions within different levels. With this packet, you can take baseline data, track for progress monitoring, and establish goals based on results from the questions. Our students with autism and our English language learners have a difficult time answering WH questions without visuals. Start your therapy at the picture level with a field of three to build success and confidence when working on answering questions. Once they have mastered that, move to sentence comprehension with a field of three. Then, your students may progress to the short paragraph comprehension level in which visuals are still included. Adapt this product by not showing the visuals at all or having your students read the sentence/paragraph.
What’s Included?
✅Picture Comprehension:
✅Sentence Comprehension:
✅Paragraph Comprehension:
✅WH Question visual
With this resource students will target a variety of speech and language skills such as…
⭐️ Answer WH questions with greater length and complexity
⭐️ Increase receptive language abilities
⭐️ Distinguish between WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE questions
SLPs like you said…
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“My students worked very well with this resource. It was super easy to print, cut and laminate to make a booklet of each level and it worked well with clothespins and markers to answer. Great Resource!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“I love how these comprehension cards are leveled so I can tailor these to specific needs of my students. This has helped my students with answering wh- questions and has been very engaging.”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“I love these comprehension cards, and my students do too! It’s so great how they’re leveled, and even with the easier ones (where the picture is next to the sentence), you can make it fun by putting a post it over the picture and then revealing it when the student answers correctly!”
If you’re looking for a fun, interactive, digital resource like this one, check out my
Listening Comprehension with WH Questions – Digital Learning Resource
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Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
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Keywords: wh questions, listening comprehension, autism, ELL, language, speech therapy